江西艺丰工艺品有限公司是树脂工艺品、玻璃工艺品、木质工艺品等产品专业生产加工的股份有限责任公司,公司总部设在江西省赣州市石城县古樟工业区。江西艺丰工艺品有限公司专业研发、制造、生产、销售树脂工艺盘、餐巾圈、托盘、杯垫、玻璃烤盘、园林花架、储物皮箱; 我们以独特专业的设计风格,设计出一系列产品;以质量稳定可靠,设计独特,并富有创造性,新颖性,从而赢得客户一致好评,产品远销欧美等国。江西艺丰工艺品有限公司拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系,我们的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。 江西艺丰工艺品有限公司愿与世界各地客户共建良好稳定长久的合作关系。我们将一如既往地提拱高质量的产品和最优质的服务。欢迎各界朋友莅临江西艺丰工艺品有限公司参观、指导和业务洽谈! Jiangxi YiFeng Arts And Crafts co., LTD. is a resin crafts, glass crafts, wooden crafts, and other products professional production and processing of joint-stock limited liability company, headquartered in Guzhang industrial zone,Shicheng county,Ganzhou city,Jiangxi province,China.Jiangxi YiFeng Arts And Crafts co., LTD is specialized in the r&d, manufacture, production, sales of plastic charger plate, napkin ring, trays, cup mat, glass baking pan,wooden trunks,garden crafts; With our unique professional design style, design a series of products; Quality is stable and reliable, the design is unique, and creative, novelty, to win customer consistent high praise, products are exported to Europe and the United States and other countries. Jiangxi YiFeng Arts And Crafts co., LTD has complete and scientific quality management system, our integrity, strength and product quality obtain industry acceptance. Jiangxi YiFeng Arts And Crafts co., LTD., is willing to work with clients from all over the world to build a good stable long-term relations of cooperation. We will continue to deliver a high quality products and the best quality service.Welcome friends from all walks of life come to Jiangxi YiFeng.
- 所在地区:江西省赣州市石城县
- 行业分类:木材及竹材采运业
- 企业类型:有限责任公司
- 注册资金:500万元人民币
- 地址:江西省 中国 江西 石城县 古樟工业园工业2路7路艺丰公司
- 邮编:
所在地:江西省赣州市经营范围:公路工程、市政公用工程、交通设施工程、园林绿化工程、园林古建 所在地:江西省赣州市经营范围:木材加工销售、竹制品制造销售。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部 所在地:江西省赣州市经营范围:建筑材料(钢筋、水泥、沙石、砖)、装饰材料、五金交电、电子产 所在地:江西省赣州市经营范围:家具、木材、玉器、翡翠、五金、建材、农副产品批发、零售、进出 所在地:江西省赣州市经营范围:亮化照明工程、水电工程、空调工程、园林工程、土木工程、安防工